OAE From User Standpoint

OAE from user standpoint


From a user's point of view, OAE is simply to use. Global Ownership Register (GOR) acts as the main website and access point for all OAE functionalities and additional solutions. Through GOR, users can easily navigate to various OAE solutions including:

  • Xend Solutions

  • Origin Studio

  • Social Hub

GOR also enables users to explore asset profiles, view transaction histories, and interact with assets and tokenized rights, including buying or selling them on a dedicated marketplace or exchange.

Asset trading

OAE supports the trading of all legally transactable rights and assets through 3 main channels:

  • Direct - by making transfers between OAE wallets

  • Assets Marketplace - for non-liquid transactions (buying, selling or auctioning items)

  • Xend Exchange - For order book or constant invariant liquid transactions.

Xend ID and OAE wallet

User interactions with OAE are tied to a unique Xend ID. With a Xend ID, users can open an unlimited number of OAE wallets, each linked to that Xend ID. However, a single OAE wallet is tied to only one Xend ID, with the exception of multi signature wallets.

Xend ID can remain anonymous, meaning it doesn't need to be linked to any real personal or corporate identity. However, for access to certain OAE features, revealing your identity may be necessary.

The OAE wallet operates as a blockchain wallet, akin to an Ethereum wallet, and is designed to function separately from the Xend Wallet. The latter is technically still an OAE wallet as well, but is specifically utilized for managing crypto deposits and withdrawals within the CeDEFI exchange and is securely held under Xend Finance Custody.

Ecosystem members

OAE's ecosystem is built around 3 main participant groups:

  • Users - the largest group, engage with the platform by onboarding assets, managing them through Origin Studio, exploring the asset chain via GOR, and using Xend solutions for a range of activities like trading and fundraising

  • Providers - include a broad range of service providers, such as those in the Insurance, Authentication, and Compliance (IAC) triangle, as well as auditors and security solutions providers.

  • Validators - contribute to the platform by depositing RWA tokens for consensus purposes and setting up validation nodes.

OAE visual framework


OAE addresses the ASR issue through the integration of IAC, which encompasses Insurance, Authentication, and Compliance Validation services.

Users ( Asset Owners ) engage with IAC providers through platforms like Origin Studio and Xend Connect, to ensure:

  • Asset Physical State Authentication: This involves either a one-time or recurring check to verify the physical condition and presence of an asset.

  • Legal Status Validation: IAC providers validate asset's legal status, and ensure that digitization or tokenization on OAE adheres to applicable legal standards.

  • Asset Insurance: IAC services include facilitating the setup of insurance policies for assets. These policies can be activated in the event of an 'insurance event', such as loss, damage, or any issues pertaining to the legal and factual states of the asset.

The outcomes of the services provided by IAC entities are standardized and measurable, culminating in an 'asset credibility score' that's displayed on the asset's GOR profile.

Furthermore, IAC providers are evaluated based on their reputation score. For an in-depth explanation of this scoring mechanism, please see our whitepaper.

Xend Connect & Events Mirroring

Xend Connect integrates cross-chain connectivity and data oracles into OAE, enabling smooth interaction between external data (on-chain and off-chain) and OAE.

Xend Connect enables designing and auto-execution of event mirrors - procedures co-created with IAC providers, that provide bi-directional replication of factual state and legal status of assets and token rights (event mirror can be fully or semi-automated, or manual).

Apart from event mirrors, Xend Connect facilitates Omni-Native Smart Contracts which

  • enables deploying paralel smart contract replicas across major blockchains, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Solana

  • promotes seamless interoperability.

  • simplifies cross-chain asset transfers

Omni-native OAE smart contracts basically allow OAE tokens to be moved across various blockchains without the need for any external bridges (like Stargate or Anyswap), instead they are using synchronized burning / minting mechanics, embedded directly in token smart contracts linked with Xend Connect.

Origin Studio

Origin Studio is a comprehensive platform for creating smart contracts and issuing tokens for any asset type, featuring an easy-to-use RWA tokenizer for asset registration and migration. It's designed to streamline asset tokenization and ensure compliance within the OAE framework. Key features include:

  • RWA Tokenizer: Simplifies asset registration into smart contracts with support for token migration across blockchains.

  • Playground: Offers a sandbox for testing asset registration and token issuance, plus a simulator for evaluating token launch scenarios in a controlled, AI-driven environment.

  • Token Economy Manager: Provides tools for real-time asset economy management, including setting up vesting schedules, managing token listings, and organizing rewards and airdrops.

  • Watchdog: Automates security checks, AML compliance, fraud detection, and more, ensuring the integrity of smart contracts.

  • Compliance: Facilitates the management of compliance requirements and contractual obligations, supporting KYC processes and digital agreements.

  • Admin Panels: Dedicated interfaces for smart contract management and coordination with involved partners such as IAC members, auditors, and investors


The Global Ownership Register (GOR) is a comprehensive web portal that functions as a hub for showcasing asset profiles. It’s a blend of CoinMarketCap and Etherscan approaches but with a unique twist. Key features include:

  • Asset profile pages.

  • Lists of all top token holders associated with an asset's smart contract.

  • Records of transactions conducted by these token holders.

  • Documentation of all events linked to the asset through the event mirror oracle.

  • An asset's credibility score, reflecting its reliability and trustworthiness.

  • Detailed views on the event mirroring policies adopted for authentication, insurance, and compliance validation.

  • Reputation scores of IAC (Insurance, Authentication, Compliance) partners and records of insurance payout events.

From the user's perspective, GOR revolutionizes asset profile management by linking control over the asset smart contract with control over its public social profile.

Asset profile is being set up and managed through Origin Studio, adhering to a standardized UX template to ensure consistency. This reverse approach to social profile custody provides a 180 degrees turn from how web3 tokens profiles have been managed so far.

Last updated