2.6 Asset Credibility

The asset's credibility score is shaped by the event mirroring process and the reputation of the involved IAC partners.

This score encompasses three independent assessments: authenticity, compliance, and insurance rating.

Each of these ratings undergoes a detailed comparison that includes:

  • Theoretical Maximum: Measuring against the highest possible score achievable within the IAC system (with an exception to insurance rating)

  • Global and Category Averages: Benchmarking against the average IAC rating of all assets registered on the OAE within the specific category.

  • Ranking: Identifying the asset's specific standing within a global ranking of the IAC rating system.

IAC ratings are displayed on the asset's GOR profile page. Due to the distinct nature of each category, the ratings are presented separately and not combined into a singular final score. This distinction acknowledges that an asset might exhibit high ratings in one category, while falling short in others.

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